It was enough for the dire….la suite

Second presentation today with many, many more questions than yesterday which a number that I did not expect (ha the power of the Internet!).

Small anthology of the fun at the common place:

-The H1N1 vaccine is dangerous because the virus that is injected is dangerous… no doctor?

-uh……. Not. There is no whole Virus in the vaccine. Just pieces of his wall.

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It was enough to say!

Today I made a presentation of the situation of the H1N1 influenza pandemic with data from current developments as well as evaluation of vaccines, adjuvants……. I do not detail all this, I have already expressed myself in other tickets.

Part of the assembly seems reluctant to me, but especially interrogative to what I am going to say.

At the end of a half-hour presentation where I try to address most of the themes that have been debated, to respond in anticipation to all the questions, without concealing anything that we know, but also of what we do not know, I wait. The questions…..

We discuss the issue of curative treatment and its efficacy, we go back to the vaccine and how to approach it, we talk about the flu and its danger.

In the end, few questions. I am amazed and trying to revive the conversation.

It is at this moment that the word is loosened with regard to the media, of the policies, the way in which the information was relayed (ha yes the famous case of Guillain Barré, which was not one…), the organization of the vaccination centres, the fears that And above all the unpleasant feeling of "we are not told everything"…

Everyone's leaving. A large majority will be vaccinated. I am entitled to a few thanks for giving simple, clear and argumentative information.

It is therefore possible in France to speak frankly, without hiding anything and still get a satisfactory result!

Am full of optimism tonight……

Doctor, I have angina…..

Today I see a patient on the move in my area.

-Doctor, I have angina!

-Agree….. Fever, sore throat???

-Yes as usual. So I took the antibiotics that my doctor usually gives me, amoxicillin.

-Ha yes, perfect, so we were able to select some resistant germs. We're going to have a little fun!!!

– ………………….

-Come by, please sit down.

Examination of the oral cavity, no visible tonsils, nothing, nada.

-You had your tonsils operated, right?

-Yes, a long time ago.

-so you do not have angina!

– ………………. (A silence supported by a suspicious look)

-Angina is tonsillitis (infection of the tonsils). Some authors talk about angina for pharyngitis, but in any case do not treat with antibiotics.

– …………….

Short! You have a rhino-pharyngitis, no antibiotics, a mouthwash and daily nose washes and it's going to be fine.

-Well, I'll have to tell that to my doctor!

Here, I just made a friend me…..

Welcome on IToubib

Here I go.

I propose to find here my impressions, favorites, good (and bad) moods, but also, because Itoubib, requires information about the world Mac, the Internet and the medical world.
The time to finish the cosmetic site and I will quickly drop some items, hoping to continue to feed it regularly.

So at all, very soon….

PS: As specified on my presentation page, this site does not lend reply to medical requests………….. No need to send me e-mails in this direction.