Vidal and IPhone: Vive la BCB!!!!

This is the medical l'arlésienne of the IPhone, the Vidal. Indeed, while we can not really consider that the iPhone has just come out or that the first version of the SDK has just been made available, the AppStore is still silent as regards the availability of the Bible of medicines French.

It is interesting to browse the forum opened by vital editions concerning the famous availability of a native application for the IPhone: "Always in preparation", "We think about it", "it will not be long"…

While Apple presented its iPad whose use for nomadic doctors (and other???) seems to me an obvious, still no news on the part of the editions of Vidal. Worse, when some on the forum take themselves to evoke the availability of another French drug database, they are simply censored (here).

So why so much waiting?

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Then. ipad or not ipad?

"Magical", "extraordinary", "We are all very excited!!!" ….., as usual, the modesty of Steve Jobs and his comrades is equal only to the extent they put in their words. Well, it's a keynote, you have to give grain to grind.

So, an iPad. Or rather after the iphone 3GS, here is the iphone XXL.

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