Google Chrome OS on Mac

MacStyle publishes an article about the installation of Google's operating system presented last week. The installation goes through the use of a virtualization software and Anthony describes the steps for VirtualBox (free Sun software).

For those who use other software (like me;-)), I refer you to the excellent comments (including some itoubib…) for installation under Parallels Desktop or VMWare Fusion.

At home it works perfectly. Be careful, however, to configure the network of your virtualization software according to the instructions given.

Ready? It's this way: Http://

Mac OS: Windows before

Mac OS 1

Because a Mac is above all an operating system, it seemed logical to me to continue the series "The Backpacker of the Switcher" by a presentation of Mac OS.

At the time when PC users were still at the MS-DOS command line, Apple had already released its first Macintosh to which it had backed up an appendage: the mouse. The first windowed operating system was born, it was called Mac OS.

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"Pass on Mac? Never! "though….

"Yes it's clear, never!!! A closed platform, expensive machines, a cult under the influence of its guru and besides other professional applications there's nothing on Mac! »


Let's face it. I was the one who held them. I'm not proud of it now that I have crunched the apple, but hey I assume. So why change your mind?

You will find on the internet a lot of sites giving you 10 good reasons to switch or even not to switch. If you look at the page for the switchers on the Apple site, you will find a priori answers to the main questions that PC users ask before switching to MAC.

So, rather than adding another layer, I'll just give you my reasons, we'll see if it's any use to you.

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The Switcher's backpacker

Or how to go on Mac without getting into a big galley?

This will be the name of a new heading that I will feed in the coming weeks, if possible before the holidays for requests to Santa Claus.

It's been several years that I work on the two great OS, Windows and Mac os. So I had at leisure the possibility of comparing them and seeing the evolution. Despite the advantages of the MAC (we will return), I remained on PC for fear of not finding all the applications absolutely necessary for my survival.

But, our father at all, Steve Jobs decided to abandon the PowerPC to switch his machines under Intel paving the way for the installation of Windows confirmed a few months after by the provision of BootCamp, the Apple utility allowing the installation Of Microsoft's featured system.

Released and totally reassured (after all, I could still use Windows if I missed a program on Mac OS), so I switched about a year ago.

So I suggest you share my experience to either get you to pass the course or find information or advice for those who are already in a perfect world. I already have ideas on the chapters to discuss, but you can of course offer me a theme using the contact form.

First article?

Come on, this weekend!

Safari or Firefox, which one to choose?

I am actually asking the question.

Even before switching, I was an avid user of Firefox almost since it was released since I was already using the Mozilla suite at the time. When I went on Mac, the question no longer arose since Internet Explorer was not available (what luck!). So I was left as the only partner surfing the Red Panda and obviously Safari in version 3.0.

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