Afraid of the storm?

It was yesterday evening around 9 p.m. in an emergency service of a large metropolis which is preparing, like the majority of France, at the arrival of the Storm Xynthia. The service is full, but the waiting room is empty, all patients have been taken care of or are waiting for results. I just brought out a lady of 99 years old who had an incredible potato and nothing to say medically, a real happiness and especially a great burst of laughter when she looked at us with a smile in the corner, telling us that this morning she wondered if she was not in Surrounded. After a day of running around, it feels good.

The host nurse arrives then, she also with a smile on the corner of the lips, our grandmother on the way out has probably made another joke. But no, it's something else.

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Windows Mobile 7: First images……..

Little video presentation of Windows Mobile 7 coming up for this summer.


Good. I'm not sure Steve Jobs is shaking with fright!!! The video is very nice, but I'll be curious to know if this is the real interface especially in regards to responsiveness. For the rest, there are some interesting ideas (the alphabet that opens in full on the screen to choose the letter of a contact), the interface seems….. messy (sorry, but I have not found better!), the virtual keyboard straight from the version Current so unusable properly.

Come on, let's give them time to finalize it with as always the benefit of the doubt, but I'll keep my iPhone still awhile. No offense to my Beauf;-)

Vidal and IPhone: Vive la BCB!!!!

This is the medical l'arlésienne of the IPhone, the Vidal. Indeed, while we can not really consider that the iPhone has just come out or that the first version of the SDK has just been made available, the AppStore is still silent as regards the availability of the Bible of medicines French.

It is interesting to browse the forum opened by vital editions concerning the famous availability of a native application for the IPhone: "Always in preparation", "We think about it", "it will not be long"…

While Apple presented its iPad whose use for nomadic doctors (and other???) seems to me an obvious, still no news on the part of the editions of Vidal. Worse, when some on the forum take themselves to evoke the availability of another French drug database, they are simply censored (here).

So why so much waiting?

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IPad: It's decanting….

In a previous post here, I had given my first impressions about the latest Apple IPad creation. Since Wednesday night, the blogosphere is in turmoil and the number of articles regarding the iPad multiply some positive others more than critical. In addition, the classical press took hold of the event and on the sites of our national newspapers, the number of notifications of pseudo-computer specialists multiply. So, a new genius shot of Steve jobs or a new flop at the Apple TV?

Personally, I do not think I am competent enough to consider future applications of the tablet and give a relevant opinion. That's why I propose in this ticket a small anthology of articles that I could find here and there on the Internet and that seem to them relevant.

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Then. ipad or not ipad?

"Magical", "extraordinary", "We are all very excited!!!" ….., as usual, the modesty of Steve Jobs and his comrades is equal only to the extent they put in their words. Well, it's a keynote, you have to give grain to grind.

So, an iPad. Or rather after the iphone 3GS, here is the iphone XXL.

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Two too many dead!

She's in her thirties, a husband a little younger than she and a little girl. She's pregnant in the last trimester. She showed up at the vaccination centre a while ago. She was more of a chance to find out. A doctor or a friend, we will never, advised him against the vaccine. Not sure, the adjuvants, the mercury, everything we said in the media…….. She's arguing, but in the end, no! She's not going to get vaccinated, really too dangerous for a simple flu.

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You are told that it is a flu!!!!

A 40-year-old woman comes to the E.R. addressed by her attending physician. She wears a slightly wobbly surgical mask that doesn't have to protect anything. The mask is distinguished from the flushed ring. She's very pale. Her husband also by the way though a little less, probably worry.

I'm going to get her into a box. I do not have protection. It is plugged into the scope, correct blood pressure, pulse at 127 (this is a bit fast anyway), temperature at 40 °c. I'm reading his doctor's letter.

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I have my voucher!!!!!!

What a joy!!!!  I have my vaccination voucher. Yes, I am. Today…

Of course I’m fine, I guess. Moreover it is reassuring to know that social security also thinks that I am well, no particular risk factors in view of my consumption of drugs. Ok!

I would still appreciate that this venerable institution considers me a bit like a health professional. Of course, I am only a generalist and it took me three good months of preparation to be declared fit for influenza vaccination by our department.

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